View Full Version : Lan dm500

adi sony
20-09-09, 21:04
Salut,poate voi putea gasi rezolvarea la o problema legata de conectarea dm-ului 500 la ruter sau programele aferente receptorului.
Cum se manifesta,pe oricare din imaginile puse ,configurarile facute la ip,cand se conecteaza ,cand nu ,ruterul il vede ca device cu macul aferent ,dar inactiv ,cand se conecteaza totul e ok ,dar nu pentru mult timp ,eu suspectez integraul de Lan ,dar inainte de al inlocui ,intreb si aici ,poate unul din colegi sa mai lovit de aceasta problema .

20-09-09, 21:36
Aceeasi problema mi s-a intamplat si mie dar cu PC-ul care cand avea net cand nu,am sunat si la operatorul de net sa-i injur,dar problema era de la routerul meu mai exact portul in care era cablul utp era busit se mai intampla la caderi puternice de curent asa am auzit.
Incearca sa muti si cablul in alt port lan poate e de acolo.

adi sony
20-09-09, 21:38
Cablul e ok ,porturile la fel ,testat si pe alte rutere .

20-09-09, 21:53
Asa cum spui poate sa fie de la integratul de lan de la dream, dar poate sa fie si de la router.
Am avut aceias problema la un prieten, daca aducea la mine dreamul mergea ok, la el acasa cind mergea , cind nu , indiferent in ce port al routerului il folosea, pina la urma a mai pus un swits intre router si dream , cablul utp intre swits si dream este doar de citva cm , si asa merge bine.

adi sony
20-09-09, 21:57
Am modem Thomson 516v6 si swich zyxel ,nu stiu ce sa spun ,imi este ca daca schimb integratul si face la fel e nasol

20-09-09, 22:07
Incearca direct din modemul adsl , nu stiu ce model de swits zyxel ai ,dar
daca ie de acela de 5 porturi fara menegiment ?, am avut citeva la serviciu si nu prea au fost fiabile.

21-09-09, 15:56
am patit si eu cu unul, nu vroia sa mearga cu un ruter insa cu altele mergea fara problema.

ps: adi citeste regula 12, nu de alta dar pare intentionat

22-09-09, 00:46
si eu cred ca de la router,am avut si am inca asemenea probleme cu 3 tipuri de router ce i drept nu sant de firma dar hai sa fim totusi seriosi e o nenorocita de iesire pe port chiar trebuie sa cumpar ultima aparitie de router?dar asta e alta prob asta e,deci zic ca routeru insa precum ai mai citit si pe aici sant alti la care le merge brici cu ce stiu eu ce no name de router

adi sony
28-10-09, 22:01
The Slow Network Issue
The Problem:
The DM500 is not particulary famous for it's recording and playback abilities on an
external mounted harddisk so don't expect miracles. But this doesn't mean it isn't
possible to record and playback your favorite show. Always bare in mind that sending
a high bitrate DVB stream over your network places a high demand on your network infrastructure.
This has to be in a perfect condition for recording to work as suspected.
A lot of users reported problems with network troughput, resulting in visible artefacts and crippeled
playback and recording. Most of these issues have to do with bad network cabling, bad HUB's or
network switches, slow external harddisk/PC's/NAS/SAN Arrays etc.
Also important are the buffer settings, the used network protocols (i.e. SAMBA, CIFS, NFS etc.),
and the used image.
The forums are full of possible solutions, and I advice to try these solutions first, before opening
the case of your dreambox. 90% of these problems dissappear after correct software tweaking and tuning.
How to do this is outside of this documents scope. Please refer to the sattelite forums for more information
on these
The remaining 10% has a problem.
And lucky you there is a fix ;)
The Cause:
The DM500 is equipped with a 10/100MBit ethernet interface. This interface consists of 1 chip on the
and a couple of surrounding components. (on the bottom left hand of the board).
This chip handles the network connection, and (low level) traffic management. Mostly this is an ASIX
This chip needs the surrounding components to function correctly.
Recently a discovery was made that 3 surrounding capacitors did not quite meet the specifications given
by the manufacturer
of the network chip.
First of all there is a capacitor of 33uF/16V just above the chip (on the right side). This capacitor serves as
a current buffer
for the ASIX and makes sure that sudden short high current demands can be handled propertly, without
the voltage dropping
too low for this chip to operate. You have to understand that network cabling can be very long, so it takes
a lot of energy to
send a signal over these wires. If this energy cannot be delivered in a very short time, network problems
can arrise.
The discoverer of this mod found a value of 220uF/16v (Low Impedance/ESR!) better then the standard
33uF. With a bigger buffer,
the chance of power problems are minimized. I totally agree with him.
Then there are 2 VERY SMALL SMD capacitors just above the network chip. The function of these
capacitors is not totally clear to me,
but also have to do with delivering sufficient energy to the network. Luckely these SMD capacitors can
stay in place, and only need a
'backpack' of 2 parallel capacitors.
The Solution:
- Replace capacitor C65 (33uF/16V) (the 'big' one) by a 220uF/16V Low Impedance/ESR type.
- Solder a 4,7 uF/16V TENTAL! capacitor in parallel with C17. Watch the polarisation!
- Solder a 4,7 uF/16V TENTAL! capacitor in parallel with C23. Watch the polarisation!
Use a temperature of about 350 degrees celcius, and a very small tip! Especially C17 an C23 are very
Below a picture with polarisation of a 4,7 uF Tental capacitor.
Replace by a 220uF/16V
Low Impadance/ESR
Parallel solder the 4,7uF/16V tental
capacitors on top of these two.
When you have done this correctly, the mod will look something like this:

asa am scapat de problema cu Lan-ul

Multumesc userului guzy ptr link
Nu incercati modificarea daca nu aveti cunostinte minime in electronica si lipire smd.
P.S. se pot folosi condesatori obisnuiti ,nu musai cu tantal ,intrucat condesatorii cu tantal se gsesc mai greu.
Inlocuirea integratului nu va duce la eliminarea defectului
Stau la dispozitie tuturor ce au aceasta problema cu receptorul!

adi sony
02-02-10, 14:42
Alt defect cu reteaua la Dm 500 ce am avut-o si am rezolvat-o a fost urmatoarea ,clientul a declarat ca nu mai poate intra pe RS232 sau intra f.f greu ,portul Lan nu mai functioneaza cu toate ca led-urile sant aprinse .
De fapt led-urile erau aprinse si cand cablul de retea era deconectat.
Nu era scurt-circuit pe integrat sau pe mufa de Lan
Prin inlocuirea integratului de Lan sa remediat defectiunea ,se poate intra pe RS232 cu Dcc sau Tk.,receptorul functionind in parametrii.

22-01-11, 15:18
The Slow Network Issue
The Problem:
The DM500 is not particulary famous for it's recording and playback abilities on an
external mounted harddisk so don't expect miracles. But this doesn't mean it isn't
possible to record and playback your favorite show. Always bare in mind that sending
a high bitrate DVB stream over your network places a high demand on your network infrastructure.
This has to be in a perfect condition for recording to work as suspected.
A lot of users reported problems with network troughput, resulting in visible artefacts and crippeled
playback and recording. Most of these issues have to do with bad network cabling, bad HUB's or
network switches, slow external harddisk/PC's/NAS/SAN Arrays etc.
Also important are the buffer settings, the used network protocols (i.e. SAMBA, CIFS, NFS etc.),
and the used image.
The forums are full of possible solutions, and I advice to try these solutions first, before opening
the case of your dreambox. 90% of these problems dissappear after correct software tweaking and tuning.
How to do this is outside of this documents scope. Please refer to the sattelite forums for more information
on these
The remaining 10% has a problem.
And lucky you there is a fix ;)
The Cause:
The DM500 is equipped with a 10/100MBit ethernet interface. This interface consists of 1 chip on the
and a couple of surrounding components. (on the bottom left hand of the board).
This chip handles the network connection, and (low level) traffic management. Mostly this is an ASIX
This chip needs the surrounding components to function correctly.
Recently a discovery was made that 3 surrounding capacitors did not quite meet the specifications given
by the manufacturer
of the network chip.
First of all there is a capacitor of 33uF/16V just above the chip (on the right side). This capacitor serves as
a current buffer
for the ASIX and makes sure that sudden short high current demands can be handled propertly, without
the voltage dropping
too low for this chip to operate. You have to understand that network cabling can be very long, so it takes
a lot of energy to
send a signal over these wires. If this energy cannot be delivered in a very short time, network problems
can arrise.
The discoverer of this mod found a value of 220uF/16v (Low Impedance/ESR!) better then the standard
33uF. With a bigger buffer,
the chance of power problems are minimized. I totally agree with him.
Then there are 2 VERY SMALL SMD capacitors just above the network chip. The function of these
capacitors is not totally clear to me,
but also have to do with delivering sufficient energy to the network. Luckely these SMD capacitors can
stay in place, and only need a
'backpack' of 2 parallel capacitors.
The Solution:
- Replace capacitor C65 (33uF/16V) (the 'big' one) by a 220uF/16V Low Impedance/ESR type.
- Solder a 4,7 uF/16V TENTAL! capacitor in parallel with C17. Watch the polarisation!
- Solder a 4,7 uF/16V TENTAL! capacitor in parallel with C23. Watch the polarisation!
Use a temperature of about 350 degrees celcius, and a very small tip! Especially C17 an C23 are very
Below a picture with polarisation of a 4,7 uF Tental capacitor.
Replace by a 220uF/16V
Low Impadance/ESR
Parallel solder the 4,7uF/16V tental
capacitors on top of these two.
When you have done this correctly, the mod will look something like this:

asa am scapat de problema cu Lan-ul

Multumesc userului guzy ptr link
Nu incercati modificarea daca nu aveti cunostinte minime in electronica si lipire smd.
P.S. se pot folosi condesatori obisnuiti ,nu musai cu tantal ,intrucat condesatorii cu tantal se gsesc mai greu.
Inlocuirea integratului nu va duce la eliminarea defectului
Stau la dispozitie tuturor ce au aceasta problema cu receptorul!

Adi, e suficient sa-l inlocuiesc doar pe cel de 33uF ? L-am inlocuit cu unul de 220uF si vad ca e ok. Celelalte 2 sunt in SMD si nu am asa ceva.

adi sony
01-02-11, 19:53
Este ok ,nu e nevoie sa pui si ceilalti condesatori ,este suficienta inlocuirea celui de 33 mF,cel de pe alimentare

29-03-11, 17:28
Multumesc si eu celor care ne invata!
Imi pierdea 30-40% din pachete la ping si era inutilizabila reteaua, am inlocuit condensatorul de 33 micro si acum e perfect.

05-05-11, 16:12
Dureaza cam mult pana porneste LAN -ul la DM500 si m-am hotarat sa modific C17 C23 si C65 conform unor indicatii si foto de pe site-uri italiene dar am observat ca C65 nu e de 33uF ca in schema ci de 47uF si polaritatea e invers ,nu ca in foto.
Nu stiu ce sa fac sa schimb numai C65 cu 220uF si sa respect polaritatea asa cum e originalul si sa pun si in parelel cu C17 si C23 4.7uF ? (din schema nu par a fi electrolitici).
Astept pareri.

adi sony
06-05-11, 09:30
Inlocuieste condesatorul de pe alimentarea integratului de Lan ,e suficient

06-05-11, 11:25
Incerc azi. Mersi.

12-05-11, 17:20
C65 e de 470uF l-am inlocuit cu unul identic; nici o schimbare.LAN -ul porneste dupa 2-3 restarturi.

Are cineva o schema cu modelul asta de PCB?

http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/2452/dm5002layer.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/dm5002layer.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

12-05-11, 17:58
Eu am suplimentat si condensatori smd dupa alimentare dar am observat dupa o saptamina ca tot nu merge corect daca dau un restart la cutie moare lanu,porneste daca ii scot alimentarea si o las in pace vreo 10 min trebuie sa o iau la munca sa vad ce se intimpla

05-12-11, 16:18
Am si eu o problema cu DM500S care se pare ca este de natura hardware :(. Imi face de cateva zile probleme cu reteaua, la ping da cateva requesturi OK mai apoi request timed out iarasi rapunde ok si tot asa:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Banuiesc ca nu este vorba de ASIX ca daca era de la el nu mai raspundea deloc la ping si nu se mai aprindeau nici LED-urile de langa el.
Deci la ce rezistori/condesatori sa ma uit (placa este identica cu cea postata mai jos de gigi_cu) ? Multumesc anticipat !

PS. Am uitat sa spun ca nu ma lasa sa ma conectez pe FTP sau cand ma lasa se misca extrem de greu si copiaza pe dream cu 0,1KB/s.... daca copiaza. Am schimbat prin serial imaginea dar la fel.

05-12-11, 20:02
Cam acelasi lucru am patit si eu cu DM500 clona ( optibox ) ... instalez imagine pe serial , dau ping catre dream este ok , cum incerc sa copiez ceva prin ftp moare reteaua ( request timed out ) . Dupa mai multe imagini incercate acum dupa primul reboot nici nu mai booteaza ... am incercat cu o alta sursa dar tot moare asa ca l-am aruncat pe dulap ca si-a cam facut veacul ... are 4 ani si ceva .

05-12-11, 20:23
Eu am zis mai sus acelasi lucru, dar si rezolvarea

am inlocuit condensatorul de 33 micro si acum e perfect.
Cu unul de 220.

05-12-11, 23:03
La mine este deja de 220uF.

06-12-11, 08:40
si eu am un optibox 500 si uneori vad ca nu vrea sa se mai conecteze dcc la el

dar daca dau conectare imediat dupa pornirea calculatorului merge
cred ca e din cauza ca nu am impamantare la priza PC-ului si la clona

si al meu are aproape 4 ani

06-12-11, 18:12
Eu cloan mea o am de vreo 7 ani si mu am avut probleme decat cu sursa, care sa bulit acum un an jumate si am luat alta de 3A.

06-12-11, 18:24
Acum 7 ani nu cred ca existau clone. Clonele au inceput sa apara din 2006.

11-01-12, 23:30
Pun inca o poza ajutatoare! Poate e de folos pt unii.

http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/1585/kondizs.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/860/kondizs.jpg/)

09-02-13, 21:46
In locul condensatorului de 33 uF am pus altul de 1500 uF. Au trecut doar 24 de ore, dar merge OK

16-05-13, 09:36
Au trecut cateva luni ... totul e OK. Zilele astea (dacă nu uit) o să pun şi condensatorii cu tantal

16-05-13, 17:05
Si eu am schimbat condzi respectivi in urma cu 1 an si acuma merge perfect !