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05-01-10, 11:40
HOW TO setup Card Sharing NewCS / MgCamd

'' 1. What is Card Sharing?

CS (Card Sharing) is sharing a smart card with another STB via ethernet.

If you use CS you can see scrambled channel even if you don't have proper smart card in the client STB.
You can share a card with another STB server or PC server.

2. What do you need for CS?


MgCamd 1.31c for AzBox HD Elite and Premium .
NewCS 1.65 for AzBox HD Elite and Premium .

There is two way to install this emu.

Automatic :

Go in Home - Plug-ins - OpenXCAS - Manual Install - Edit URL and add azboxworld.com , and than download from that server.

Card sharing s/w :
NewCS is a powerful card server.
Mgcamd are EMU s/w.

3. How to setup NewCS ?

If you run NewCS on your STB, it will work as a CS server.

NewCS is a program which can be connected to various kinds of client EMUs.

NewCS set up will be done by /EMU/OpenXCAS/newcs/newcs.xml file.

There are some important points in setting newcs.xml. Below is an important section. You must confirm the setting in parts 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and the rest part should remain as default setting.

This means communication speed to card. Most of cases, 357 is good.
Set serial port which is connected to card slot. relook have /dev/sci0 (lower slot), /dev/sci1 (upper slot). mutant have /dev/sci0.
Enter box keys if needed.
This option checks automatically whether card is inserted in card reader or no. Enter yes.
Set card sharing port number which is newcamd compatible protocol. mgcamd, evocamd use this protocol. If there is a router/firewall, you have to open this port. Most of failures on accessing to server from outer network happen due to the firewall.
<newcamdserver> ... </newcamdserver>
Settings for newcamd compatable protocol cardsharing.
<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>
This is used for coding on packets while card sharing. Leave it as it is. It does not require to be changed except some particular cases.
<user> ... </user>
This is for clients settings who will be allowed to access to server. You can add users as many as you want. As defaults, below is how it looks. <user>
This setting means whether card update function is on or off .
Compare added new newcs.xml with original newcs.xml. Then you can know howto add new client.

If necessary, you can modify the newcs.xml file and then place the modified file into /EMU/OpenXCAS/newcs/ using FTP.

If you want to share your slot with your friend, add the settings to newcs.xml and inform your friend detailed information to share cards with your friend.

4. How to setup mgcamd for connect to card sharing server ?

mgcamd setting can be done by two files exist in /EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd/mg_cfg, /EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd/newcamd.list in the receiver.

mg_cfg is regular setting for mgcamd and newcamd.list is setting part which decides to select a server which will be connected when CS is performed.

mg_cfg is not a particular case that require to be changed, contrarily, newcamd.list need to be explained in detail since it is used very often while CS is operated.

newcamd.list can be considered as a server list. In other word, one receiver, as a client set, mgcamd.list will direct the client set to which card server to be connected.

If you open the newcamd.list, setting is done as below.( In each row, each can be distinguished by empty space)

CWS = 10000 User1 Pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
CWS = 10001 User1 Pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Card sharing server setting section

loopback IP (It allows you to connect to your receiver itself. This is used when your STB has card.)

'10000 or 10001'

Port number (See Note 1,2)


login ID (See Note 1)


login Password (Note 1)

'01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14'

DES key (See Note 1)

Note 1 : Each items has to be set in the CS server's newcs.xml where you aim to be connected.
Note 2: You can designate the port number area. For example, if it is set A:B, it try to connect to numbers between A and B.
In order to do CS, you need to have IP, Port number, ID, Password, DES key details of your friends or third person. For example, you have managed to get the information below.

IP :
Port number : 10000
ID : user1
Password : pass1
The below row has to be added into newcamd.list and then restart EMU.

"CWS = 10000 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14"

und bei Azbox HD Reader Section:

<readers name="Card Readers">
<boxkey>{hier kommt Boxkey}</boxkey>
<rsa>{kier kommt RSA}</rsa>
</readers> ''

05-01-10, 11:44
How To install CCcam 2.1.1 on AzBox HD Elite / Premium

'' Tutorial : CCcam 2.1.1 for AzBox HD
1. Download and extract on Your PC archive Cccam 2.1.1 AzBox HD.rar

2. Connect on Your AzBox HD by FTP manager ( You can get one free File Zilla on :

https://www.ohloh.net/projects/filezilla/download?filename=FileZilla_3.2.6.1_win32-setup.exe ).
3. Enter the /EMU directory and transfer there directory lib which is located in extracted archive on Your PC. When transfer is finished select all files and give CHMOD 755 to them.
4. Now, enter the OpenXCAS folder on AzBox HD receiver, so You will have /EMU/OpenXCAS , and transfer there two files : module.seq and openxcas.conf which are located in OpenXCAS folder of extracted archive. Give CHMOD 755 to that two files.
5. Now transfer in /EMU/OpenXCAS folder named as dvbapiCAS which is located in OpenXCAs directory of extracted archive. Enter in that directory, so You will have /EMU/OpenXCAS/dvbapiCAS and give CHMOD 755 to 3 files : dvbapi.sh , dvbapi_module and openxcas.conf .
6. Do not forget to add Your C or N lines to CCcam.cfg file which is located inside of /EMU/lib directory.
7. After You start dvbapiCAS from Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Camd activation & priority , You can test if CCcam is running by entering this in Your Web browser

: http://azboxhdip:16001
in my Case, my AzBox HD in my LAN has IP adress, so I am entering .
That is all for now, with this You have CCcam 2.1.1 Client and Server Installed on Your AzBox HD device . ''

05-01-10, 11:46


05-01-10, 11:49
How To change pasword on azbox // VIDEO


20-01-10, 17:23
Daca doriti sa vedeti pe ecran diverse informatii cand utilizati multicas editati fisierul openxcas.conf in /PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS care va trebui sa arate astfel :
a)Pentru ecm :
name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.62
INFO = /tmp/ccc_ecm.info
b)Pentru lista cartele :
name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.62
INFO = /tmp/ccc_card_list.info
c)Pentru lista servere :
name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.62
INFO = /tmp/ccc_serverstatus.info
d)Pentru cartela in slot interen :
name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.62
INFO = /tmp/card_slot.info
Restart multicas si apasati tasta >> .

07-02-10, 19:06
AZBox to PC
pentru streaming in wifi: (doar unicast) reteaua WiFi ramane OK

ip:192.168.X.X(adresa IP a computerului client)
port: 9000
timp: nedefinit(ramane setat pe ultimile vs. fw)

in PC(VLC):

protocol: UDP
ip: fara ip, sau 192.168.X.X(adresa IP a PC)


pentru streaming LAN (accepta muticast), "taie" reteaua de WiFi ptr. restul device-urilor.(la mine)

ip: IP a computerului client)
port: 9000
timp: nedefinit

in PC(VLC):

protocol: UDP

functioneaza perfect SD, la HD1080 face un pic de freeze, cele 720 merg bine.
testate pe FW 0.9.4466,VLC v.1.0.5,Vista, WiFi N, CAT5.

PC to AZBox
pentru IP CHANNEL in AZBox se seteaza:

channel name: ~la alegere~default VideoLAN
ip address: ~adresa ip a PC(192.168.X.X)
port n°:~1234~
buffer size:~99999~

se activeaza transcodarea fluxului in incapsulare MPEG-TS cu codec video H264 si audio AAC(TS).
pentru inregistrari in VLC, se activeaza in Vizualizare/Controale avansate..(folderul initial este in C:/user/Documents)
rulat cu succes mkv, DVD,DVD ISO, radio online, webcam

08-02-10, 14:51
AZBox > WiFi > Router > Wifi > PC
testat si merge super OK

23-02-10, 22:51
>>trimitere de flux video(canale TV) in internet prin VLC Player
ex: trimiterea unui meci,film... catre prieteni,....direct din AZBox
setari AZBox HD:

ip:192.168.X.X(adresa IP a computerului client)
port: 9000
timp: nedefinit

setari PC(VLC client-server)
Difuzare ca flux(Crtl+S):
Retea/Protocol UDP, port 9000; (ex: udp://@:9000)
click "Flux",
HTTP; "adauga"
"Adresa":acelasi IP setat in AzBox:192.168.X.X:8080(adresa IP a computerului client), se activeaza transcodarea dupa caz, se activeaza "Afiseaza local" daca se doreste vizionarea si pe propriul PC.

:sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=dv bs}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=192.168.X.X:8080} :sout-all :sout-keep se deschide(port forwarding) poarta "8080" in router pe adresa :192.168.X.X(adresa IP a computerului client)
pentru IP dinamic se creeaza host dyndns
sesiunea se deschide cu VLC, (Crtl+N) protocol HTTP/your IP ori host dyndns port 8080

ex:http://XX.XX.XXX.XX:8080*** http://dyndns_host:8080 -testat OK pe client la 2500km in mod WiFi.

21-04-10, 12:12
Se pare ca merg "intrate" si hdd-uri mai mari de 1TB in AZBox.
pentru asta se creeaza 2 partitii active cu Acronis Disk Director Suite.
Pentru ca AZbox sa poata monta si a doua partitie se modifica fisierul:
DISK1/hdd_tools/check_hdb.sh, cu introducerea liniei: /bin/mount /dev/hdb2 /DATA/hdb2 dupa linia similara /bin/mount /dev/hdb1 /DATA/hdb1.
Pentru a modifica acest fisier se trece fisierul de la mod ro la rw
in telnet: mount-o remount,rw /dev/mtdblock5 /DISK1, dupa modificare se revine la modul ro: mount-o remount,ro /dev/mtdblock5 /DISK1
Reboot system

P.S. Am incercat trecerea HDD-ului pe UDMA6 cat duce hardul, dar se pare ca Azbox cunoaste maxim UDMA2.

22-04-10, 13:00
Si, tot referitor la discul intern din AZBox:
Formatarile reusite, facute "pe vremuri", in FW gen 0.9.1xxx pana pe la sfarsiturile celor gen 0.9.3xxx si inceputurile 0.9.4xxx, din interfata Settings>Storage, nu din consola, erau facute default in ext2.
Dupa cum bine stiti sau tocmai aflati acum, ext2 sufera cam de aceleasi probleme cu FAT32 - pierderea consistentei filesystemului/fisierelor in caz de oprire intempestiva a sistemului.
Daca mai tineti minte, am avut zeci de probleme pe azboxul meu - la redarea mkv si avi: blocari, sacadari, freeze. Dupa diverse sapaturi am descoperit ca e2fsck este oarecum nefunctional in imaginile FW mai noi. Revenind la 0.9.3886 am putut folosi e2fsck pe /dev/hdb fara sa se mai blocheze in timpul scanarii, iar acum azboxul poate sa redea orice media fara probleme si blocari si fara sacadari, chiar si in fraierul de fw 0.9.4785.
Asadar, solutii:
1. in consola azbox, hdd-ul in azbox: e2fsck -vf /dev/hdb1 sau e2fsck -vfp /dev/hdb1
2. in consola PC-ului cu OS linux-based, hdd-ul transplantat in pc, pentru a beneficia de viteze mai mari de scanare si pentru a nu mai face downgrade de fw: cam aceleasi comenzi, modificand hdX corespunzator locatiei in care a montat OS-ul discul, in PC e2fsck -vf /dev/hdXy sau e2fsck -vfp /dev/hdXy
3. formatarea discului in ext3, care nu sufera de "pierderi de memorie", dar care are viteze de transfer ceva mai mici decat ext2; de efectuat cu mkfs.ext3 in consola azbox-ului/pc-ului sau cu diverse utilitare gui, in pc, de ex. Acronis, cum zicea @qwess. Solutia implica backupul datelor de pe respectivul disc

De mentionat: in AZBbox, /dev/hda este discul/memoria DOM, cu partitiile hda1, hda2, hda3 , hda4. hda este initializat si folosit de catre AZBox in udma5. Ramane inca un mister motivul pentru care nu foloseste si hdd-ul intern in udma5/6/7 - probabil ca e o limitare a driverelor/kernelului care survine in cazul interfetei S-ATA. Poate se va remedia cu mult-promisul API cel nou de la SIGMA.

20-06-10, 20:38
Pentru cei care nu urmaresc http://forum.azbox.com , un mic tutorial "oficial" despre curatarea completa a azboxului:

Complete clean-up of Azbox firmware, settings and plugins
« on: June 08, 2010, 07:16:41 PM »

This procedure will allow you to completely clean your Azbox HD. All configuration, plugins and firmware will be lost.
So use it with caution and follow it carefully.

When do you need to use this procedure?

- If you feel that your Azbox no longer works properly and behave totally at random.
- Problems with plugins that can no longer read your card
- If you have a bug that nobody else experience or can reproduce



- Download the latest firmware with Firefox from http://fw.azupd.com
- Check the MD5 signature
- Rename the file to patch.bin and nothing else (so azbox-0.9.4890-patch.bin is not a valid name it should be renamed to patch.bin, so suppress "azbox-0.9.4890-").
- Format an USB key to FAT file system
- Copy the file patch.bin to the newly formatted USB key
- Power off your Azbox
- Connect the USB key
- Restart your Azbox
- In the upgrade screen select 1 - upgrade USB (the firmware you copy on the USB should be detected and installed).
- This process should end normally during the countdown remove the USB key.
- You Azbox will restart with the firmware you select.


- Enable Telnet server on your Azbox (11. Setup - Network Services - Telnet server : Enabled).
- Connect to your Azbox IP address with a telnet client
- Type the following command.

mount -o remount,rw -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /MMP
rm -rf /PLUGINS
rm -rf /DISK2
rm -rf /MMP

You will probably read some error messages, don't care about this.

- Power off your Azbox (switch off) (if you press the power key on the RCU the end menu will no longer appears since we just delete it).
- Put the USB key that we prepare in pre-requisite in the Azbox USB slot.
- Power on your Azbox

On the upgrade screen select:
4 - Format application Area
Followed by:
1 - upgrade USB

Let the upgrade process run (DO NOT POWER OFF your Azbox during this process) and wait for the final countdown and remove the USB key.
If you miss the final countdown at the Azbox reboot select 5 - Continue without upgrade.

Your Azbox is now brand new with a fresh firmware without any old stuff on it.
Then you will need to reconfigure all your Azbox like you first power it up.


30-08-10, 12:01
Cum să adăugam meniul in limba romană in azbox hd
trecem hda1/MMP in modul citire/scriere(după restart va reveni in mod "ro")
in telnet:

mount -o remount,rw -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /MMPcopiem dosar "Romanian" in:

/MMP/hd/System/message-td210(in dosarul "Romanian" sunt prezente 16 fişiere text cu traducerile, pentru a modifica folosim Notepad++ şi păstrăm formatul!,
după care urcăm in azbox cu comanda de trecere in "rw")
chmod 755
inlocuim(sau modificăm) fişierul "setup_language.sh" din

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
exit 0

# english reset
English_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 0 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/English -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

PortugueseP_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 1 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/PortugueseP -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

PortugueseB_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 101 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/PortugueseB -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Dutch_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 2 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Dutch -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Czech_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 3 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Czech -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Deutsch_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 4 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Deutsch -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Russian_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 5 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Russian -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Spanish_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 6 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Spanish -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Polish_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 7 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Polish -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Serbian_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 8 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Serbian -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Hungarian_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 9 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Hungarian -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Hellenic_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Hellenic -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Romanian_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Romanian -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Italian_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Italian -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

French_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/French -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Slovak_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Slovak -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Turkish_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Turkish -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Arabic_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Arabic -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

Danish_reset ()
cd /DISK2/message/
rm *.txt
echo 10 > .language
for i in `find ../../MMP/hd/System/message-td210/Danish -name '*.txt'`; do
ln -s $i ./
cd -

# routine
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 3 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 4 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 5 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 6 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 7 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 8 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 9 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 10 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 11 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 12 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 13 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 14 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 15 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 16 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 17 ]; then
elif [ $1 -eq 18 ]; then

chmod 755
repornim AzBox
selectăm Bulgarian (nu am găsit incă unde să adaug/modific pentru Romanian )
O puteţi modifica după bunul plac, deci fără carcoteli...

DOWNLOAD (http://www.fileshare.ro/9766247112.84)

30-08-10, 16:44

Ai idee de unde se poate seta limba in care se afiseaza EPG-ul? Asa cum stim cu totii, Digi si UPC transmit EPG in mai multe limbi dar, din pacate, Azbox afiseaza prima limba, in ordine alfabetica, cel putim asa am observat pana acum.
Totusi, la unele canale, de ex. History Channel HD, dupa comutarea pe acest canal, pentru cca. 1 secunda, EPG-ul este afisat in ceha, dupa care se comuta automat pe engleza. Sa aiba oare legatura cu faptul ca meniul principal al receiverului este setat pe engleza? Daca da, inseamna ca nu prea sunt sanse sa selectam limba romana, intrucat in meniul principal, lb. romana nu exista.

30-08-10, 17:47
ai setat limba romana la subtitrare, audio si audio secundar? mai degraba inexistanta EPG in romana pe anumite canale.
Vezi diferenta continut info EPG Digi vs Dolce(intradevar nu este multilanguage)
posibil functia EPG defectuasa multicanal.
Seteaza Ceha in test(meniu, sub,audio) si vezi ce zice...pentru History HD.

31-08-10, 00:03
se dezarhiveaza si se copieaza prin FTP in: /tmp
in telnet dam comanda:

chmod 755 /tmp/patch_RO/*

patch_RO (http://www.fileshare.ro/9790958086.58)

05-09-10, 16:55
Tks. @Valerica, chiar aveam nevoie.
pentru cei ce au probleme cauzate de "ruptura" cauzata de fw4991 la playerul YouTube.
in Telnet:

mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda1 /MMPse dezarhiveaza si se inlocuieste fisierul

Restart Azbox.
Testat pe fw4890 si luctreza din nou.

http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/3531/2r4k5c3jpg.png (http://www.fileshare.ro/9997276942.2)

17-10-10, 01:04
am folosit cardul focus conax in cititorul original al azbox hd elite , si puteam da cardul in share, prin newcs ( linii n), dar nu se updata la inceputul lunii ( trebuia sa-l bag 2 min in kaon)
Am cumparat un cam conax smit, si nu a mai fost problema cu updatarea, dar nu reusesc sa-l fac sa mearga in newcs, ca nu stiu ce sa scriu la card reader ( <type>sci</type> <node>/dev/sci0</node> nu merge , )

17-10-10, 09:33
Nu functioneaza share prin modul CI la nici un receptor . Update-ul lunar
l-ai incercat si cu multicas si cu mgcamd ?

19-10-10, 10:32
-cu cardul in cititorul original azbox:
1.in newcs+ multicas nu se updata automat si la 2-3 zile cand schimbam canalele aparea mesajul 'scrambled channel' si trebuia sa rebootez decodorul.
2.In newcs + mgcamd nu se updata dar mergea fara probleme de decodare
- cu cardul in smit conax cam nu trebuia nici un emulator, era plug-n-play, dar nu puteam sa citesc mesajele de la focus sat-alea in care apare istoricul incarcarilor , dar puteam vedea pana cand e valabila subscriptia
-momentan folosesc cardul intr-o clona de dm500 si dau o linie c catre multicasul din azbox ( azboxul nu merge perfect cu cccam, nici cel dezvoltata pt el, nici cel de la dm500- se blocheaza, trebuie rebootat, etc)
- cum sa fac sa updatez cardul focus, fie din clona dm500 ( cu cccam 2.1.1) fie din azbox?

19-10-10, 10:47
incearca si cu oscam

oscam dvbapi=1

oscam dvbapi=0 si Multicas din oscam dai si linie N si C catre multicas.

testeaza o vesiune care suporta card internal. sau daca ai smargo oricare vrei.


19-10-10, 11:12
Ce se mai poate testa pentru 1 :
- alta vers. multicas
- in priocaid.cfg din folderul multicas , scrie pe o linie : 0B02
- in ignore.list din folderul multicas , scrie pe o linie : X: { 0B00 }
- se testeaza daca dupa 2-3 zile nu se cripteaza .
Nu mai folosi cccam-ul pt. az , multicas-ul merge mai bine fa-l client la dm.

19-10-10, 11:17
cred ca ar trebui verificat si cardreader.cfg, =dezactivat cardreader

###### Disable or Enable option for cardreader of MultiCAS
###### Disable_CardReader = 1 -> Disable-Internel CardReader / Disable_CardReader = 0 -> Enable-Internel CardReader
Disable_CardReader = 1

19-10-10, 13:55
dupa mai multe combinatii incercate, am decis sa raman la setup-ul actual cardul de focus in clona dm500 si dau o linie c catre multicas-ul de pe azbox( in mod client) am legat kaonul in loop la azbox si in fiecare luna il voi porni pt cateva min ca sa-mi actualizez cartela.
Instalarea oscam e dificila ( n-am inteles ce si cum) si nici nu am un bussiness din asta ( fac sharing intre receivere aflate in diferite camere)
acuma nu mai merge doar cardul in cam-ul conax smit : nu se decripteaza nimic si la subscriptie zice 'check card'
multumesc tuturor pt ajutor , dar toate setarile astea ma depasesc dpdv tehnic :sorry:

19-10-10, 16:29
Verifica in newcs.xml:

<name>user</name> #???
<rate></rate>#faci plecarea de la 0 in caz ca face freeze maresti valoarea:1,2...
in mgcamd, mg_cfg:

M: { 01 }
C: { 01 }
# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 02 }
U: { 01 } 0x12c0
T: { 00 }
G: { 33 }
N: { 07 } 5 30
K: { 05 }
Q: { 600 }
# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd
# 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 00 } # ori:P:{ 02 }
O: { 00 } username password
S: { 11 } 8000
L: { 03 } [ip.] [port] /tmp/mgcamd.log
E: { 15 }
H: { 07 }
R: { 00 }
D: { 00 }
B: { 00 }
F: { 00 }tot in mgcamd completezi la:
X: { { 0B02 } { 0B00 } }
X: { 0B00 }
X: { 0B02 }

in multicas faci ce ti-a spus @valerica:
ignore.list(elimini denumire de: example.ignore.list)
X: { 0B00 }
0b02 1880 093B 09C4 092F 0100 0500 1733

stergi fisierul splitterdata.bin

in meniul azbox:
PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/Setare CAMD/MultiCAS/interfata smartcard/smart card splitter & cs/CLIENT NEWCAMD/(apesi LOAD>>modifici:EMM active=Enable
dai SAVE

12-11-10, 08:55
How to recover dead AZBox

23-02-11, 21:28
Cum sa activam swapfile
Recomandat sa creem fisierul swap pe un mediu USB(pentru a permite HDD-ului intern sa intre in sleep mode) cu viteza buna W/R, formatat in EXT2 .
Il putem formata cu ajutorul azboxului din meniu.(ATENTIE la selectia dev.sa nu dati la HDD!!! )
Odata pregatit device-ul, descarcam swap.rar (http://www.rapidshare.com/files/449501826/swap.rar) si dezarhivam in PC, copiem folderul swapon cu cele 2 fisiere (swapon.sh si openxcas.conf) in AZBox : /PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/

Permitem drepturile necesare:
[prin telnet sau FTP]

chmod 755 /PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/swapon/*Editam fisierul:
si adaugam linia:

#swaponEditam swapon.sh:
alegem locatia fisierului swap

#choose device, where to create swapfile
SWAPDEVICE=/DATA/usb1/sda1si dimensiunea acestuia

SWAPSIZE=102400Daca dorim ca swap sa fie activ si dupa restartarea AZBox, dam urmatoarea comanda in telnet:

ln -s /PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/swapon/swapon.sh /DISK2/etc/start.d/S2swapApasam tasta [ >>|] pentru activare "#swapon".(după cateva secunde in modul automat este dezactivat swapon in lista plugin, dar el va funcţiona in continuare)

Verificati in telnet montarea partitiei swap:

AZBox-qwess[~]$ free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 100484 81592 18892 0 3180
Swap: 102392 500 101892
Total: 202876 82092 120784
AZBox-qwess[~]$ ATENTIE: Utilizati mereu editoare UNIX gen Notepad++ , Notepad2... si nu utilizati pe cele in DOS- Wordpad sau Notepad !