View Full Version : New VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V 3.2

11-10-11, 14:00
New VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V 3.2 -09.10.2011 OE 1.6



Before flashing this image you have to flash a file. Click here for description (http://www.vuplus-support.org/wbb2/thread.php?postid=218624#post218624)

dvbapp 09.10.2011 (vuplus-experimental)
Treiber 09.10.2011 ( Changelog ) (http://archive.vuplus.com/download/drivers/log.txt)
Plugins 09.10.2011
Skins 09.10.2011

From VTi Team

VTi Panel (Blue Button)

supported languages are Englisch, German, Dutch

VTi Bootlogos and new Radiomode Logo.

short press on blue button opens VTi Panel, long press opens Pluginmenu

Cronjobs full supported

Pure audio disc playback - (USB CD Drive)

Kernel and system enhancements

OE1.6 QT-Webbrowser support

Many enhancements in network and networkbrowserplugin

Support for Windows 7 Samba (CIFS-Server)

Enigma2 Crashlogremover

Swapfile at /media/usb

IPK-Installer search at /media/usb and /tmp

Support for FTDI chipset cardreader like smargo and easymouse2

Running Softcam shown in the Infobar

Device Manager (THX to openee project for code base)

Support for iptable firewall

Support for HDD's > 2TB (THX @SolarTom) (experimental)

Changes to VTI 3.1

[VTIPanel] add option to delete broken epg.dat files
Changes from VU+: changelog







Download NFI :

Download USB :

11-10-11, 20:49
HowTo updating bootloader:

download attached file
unzip attached file
format USB flash drive in with fat
create directory /vuplus/duo at flash drive
copy file to directoy /vuplus/duo at flash drive
shutdown VU+ STB
disconnect all USB devices
connect USB flash drive to VU+ STB
power on VU+ STB
wait for message "Please remove USB" at VFD
disconnect USB flash drive
power off VU+ STB
flash new image
ce e faza asta , trebuie neaparat schimbat bootloaderu, a instalat cineva aceasta imagine
au fost probleme cu instalarea? merge si fara aceasta procedura de skimbare de bootloader

11-10-11, 22:17
Instalarea bootloader-ului este obligatorie inainte de a flashui imaginea noua

Tocmai sunt pe cale sa o instalez eu

am sa revin daca sunt lucruri de spus

11-10-11, 23:49
Update-ul de bootloader se pare ca e pentru a se putea instala in flash imagini mai mari, de pana la 128 Mb.

12-10-11, 00:37

nimic dramatic,

bootloder se instaleaza in 2-3 secunde si nu afecteaza imaginea actuala (la mine era 3.1)

pasul 2 flash-uit imaginea noua

done si gata

totul functioneza struna deocamdata

SuperSonic, cred ca ai dreptate din moment ce imaginea noua are cam 78 MB

buba 1: plugin-ul positioner_setup da ecran verde :(

12-10-11, 20:14
dupa ce se instaleaza bootloaderu si imaginea noua, mai merge sa dai restore la o imagine veche ?

12-10-11, 20:23
Trebuie sa mearga, testeaza si tu ca esti fan VTI:clap2:
Eu fac ce fac si tot la BH ajung...
VTI am renuntat de mult sa mai probez, azi am aruncat nemesis si am pus BH

12-10-11, 22:50
ca sa imi raspund la intrebare, se poate face restore la o imagine veche cu boorloderu nou.

am instalat imaginea, am facut configurarile, am pus emu, am pus setingsuri (pe care leam folosit pana acum) am dat pe un canal, dupa 5 secunde ecran verde si intra in loop.
am dat restart, si dupa boot am instalat skinu glass hd dupa care am dat pe un canal, aceiasi problema

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7513/captureome.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/406/captureome.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

am mai pus odata imaginea , aceiasi treaba, am revenit la imaginea anterioara (3.0)
mai descarc odata imaginea si mai incerc odata in weekend .
imaginea am luato de pe saitu oficial , nu cred sa aiba bug-uri
poate sticu meu are o problema....

12-10-11, 22:55
Salut franta,

pot sa confirm ca am revenit fara probleme la 3.1


12-10-11, 23:02
de ce teai intors, care a fost problema?

14-10-11, 00:27

pur si simplu nu am un feeling bun cu imaginea asta

plugin-ul preferat nu functioneza

speram sa fi rezolvat problema cu sunetul radio la pachetul gigel

in schimb am impresia ca scaneaza foarte repede

3.1 afiseaza rezolutia in bara de jos pentru fiecare program vizualizat


16-10-11, 14:02
ca sa nu las o impresie gresita, am dezarhivat dinou imaginea , si a mers struna.
nu am primit nici un ecran verde
demult aveam o problema descrisa http://sateliti.info/showthread.php?21136-HD-in-oscam&p=167611&viewfull=1#post167611
de cand cu aceasta imagine, nu am mai avut aceasta problema.
dupa ce am bagat glass hd 16imaginea se misca foarte bine.
idea e ca VTI si-a facut temele mai bine.