View Full Version : Contract betatester DM8000

31-08-08, 15:15
Asta e contract pt beta tester pt dm8000!Asta care ma distreze enorm e citi de kakat de firma s-a facut dm.Pina acuma au dat pe veche modele gratis la beta tester cu obligatia sa fie dat inapoi.Acuma au pe pretentia sa cumpari un aparat fara software evoluat la 899euro si sa ai si clauze de 10000 Euro!!!Ce ne crede DM ca avem de banii pt aruncat.

For Beta Testers :

Purchase Contract and Non-Disclosure Agreement
The Purchaser was selected by the Seller to participate in a test programme for Dreambox 8000 HD PVR DVD. The Seller is the market leader in the satellite receiver domain and intends to launch Dreambox 8000 HD DVD in the course of 2008.
1 Object of Purchase
The Seller shall sell the Purchaser a copy of the Dreambox 8000 HD PVR DVD beta version. The Seller
shall assign this device to the Purchaser subject to the condition precedent of payment of the fee mentioned in Clause 2.
The Seller shall supply written documentation consisting of a guarantee card and a user manual,
together with Dreambox 8000 HD PVR DVD.
The Seller shall dispatch the object of purchase to the Purchaserʼs address.
The object of purchase shall contain system-level software, without which the digital receiver cannot operate. The Seller shall assign to the Purchaser a simple, non-exclusive exploitation right to the system-level software, unlimited in time and place.
The Purchaser shall dispose of the object of purchase at his own expense, as soon as he no longer
requires it. He shall not be authorized to sell the device on until the deadline mentioned in Clause 4 (2) of this Contract has expired. It shall not therefore be possible to sell the device after the expiry of that period in § 4 Abs.2.
2 Fee
The digital receiver, the system-level software and documentation shall remain in the ownership of
the Seller until the purchase price has been fully paid. The Purchaser shall not be allowed to pledge the object of purchase or assign it by way of collateral until that point in time. The Purchaser shall pay the Seller a total price of 899 Euro incl. the statutory VAT of currently 19 percent for the object of purchase.
The Purchaser shall pay the amount to the Sellerʼs account:
Euro - Konto
Konto-Nr.: 665430503 bei dem Kreditinstitut Deutsche Bank Lunen, BLZ: 44070024.
IBAN: DE88 440 700 240 6654305 03
The purchase price shall be due 7 days after receipt of invoice.
(3) Should the Purchaser fall into arrears, he shall pay to the Seller interest of 8 percentage points above the base rate pursuant to section 247 of the German Civil Code.
3 Warranty Claims and Liability Limitation
The statutory warranty regulations shall apply subject to the proviso that any software bugs that
occur shall not constitute defects as defined by section 434 of the German Civil Code, as the Purchaser, by signing this agreement, acknowledges that the object of purchase is a beta version which has not yet been released for official sale and may therefore still contain errors in software/ process flow.
The claims of the Purchaser to damages or compensation for wasted expenses shall be based on the
following provisions.
The Seller shall be liable without limitation for damages arising from injury to life, body or health
due to negligent breach of duty on the part of the Seller or wilful or negligent breach of duty on the part of a legal representative or vicarious agent of the Seller.
In the case of other liability claims, the Seller shall only be liable without limitation for failure to
provide the guaranteed properties and for wilful intent and gross negligence on the part of his legal representatives and senior executives. The Seller shall be liable for the fault of other vicarious agents only within the scope of liability for slight negligence pursuant to clause 3 (5).
The Seller shall only be liable for slight negligence to the extent that there is breach of an
obligation whose observance is of particular importance to the achievement of the intent of the contract (material contractual obligation). In the case of slightly negligent breach of a material contractual obligation, liability shall be restricted to  100.
Liability acco***ng to the Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected.
4 Non-Disclosure Agreement
The Purchaser shall undertake to disclose the fact that he has acquired the object of
purchase as well as all information and insights gleaned from using and testing Dreambox 8000 HD DVD, the system software and the manual exclusively on domain http://www.dm8000-vip.de provided by the Seller. In addition to the object of purchase, the Purchaser shall be given a registration number for using this domain. Once registration has been performed, this registration number shall enable the Purchaser to exchange information about the object of purchase, to write reports and to point out hardware errors, software bugs etc. on the above-mentioned domain.
This duty of non-disclosure shall remain in existence until the official launch of
Dreambox 8000 HD DVD, but at least until 15.09.2008 and for 3 months after transfer of the object of purchase at the latest. During this period of time, the Purchaser shall undertake to refrain from writing reports about the object of purchase on publicly accessible Internet portals and from forwa***ng such reports to third parties, in particular, specialized journalists, television broadcasters or other media or competitors of the Seller.
(3) The Purchaser shall undertake to pay a contract penalty of 10,000.00 to the Seller if obligations arising from this agreement are breached. The contract penalty shall not be deductible from any claim for damages. In the event of contravention, the Seller shall also file a criminal complaint action with the relevant public prosecutorʼs office.
5 Final Provisions
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively, without recourse to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Collateral agreements and amendments to the Contract shall require the written form, to be valid. The Sellerʼs registered office shall be definitive in the case of claims against the Seller, and the Purchaserʼs registered office shall be definitive in the case of claims against the Purchaser. Should a provision in this Contract be or become invalid, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected by this. The invalid provision shall be replaced by another valid provision that comes closest to the contractual content which would have been agreed between the parties if they had been aware of the nullity of the invalid regulation beforehand.

01-09-08, 02:51
stam prost cu engleza....

Această taxă de non-divulgare trebuie să rămană in existenţa pană la lansarea oficială a
Dreambox 8000 HD DVD, dar cel puţin pană la 15.09.2008 şi timp de 3 luni de la transferul de obiectul de cumpărare, cel mai tarziu. In această perioadă de timp, cumpărătorul se angajează să se abţină de la scris rapoarte cu privire la obiectul de cumpărare pe accesibil public Portaluri de Internet şi de la transmiterea acestor rapoarte de către părţi terţe, in special, jurnalisti de specialitate, posturile de televiziune sau alte medii de concurenţi sau de Vanzător .
(3) Cumpărătorul se angajează să plătească o penalizare de contract de € 10000,00 către vanzător, dacă obligaţiile care decurg din acest acord sunt incălcate. Contractul de penalizare nu va fi deductibilă, de la orice pretenţie de despăgubire. In caz de contradicţie, de asemenea, Vanzătorul va inregistra o plangere penală cu acţiune relevante publice procuror ʼ s birou.

nici eu nu as da 899euro pentru ca personal mi se pare scump si dm800 este un produs destul de bun daca este ventilat cu trebuie.

01-09-08, 18:19
Treaba cu "buna ventilatie" prin interior a devenit o problema generala , daca nu ma insel chiar si "IP Box-ul" a trecut prin asa ceva sau are aceasta problema si cu cat devine mai complex pe partea de hard (mai multe componente gen : tunere, hdd-uri , dvd-rom s.a) in schimb este mai ingust la inaltime cu atat mai acuta devine aceeasta poblema (in general la receiverele complexe de ultima generatie).
Pretul este pe masura calitatii , dar exagerat de mult pt. romanii (asa cred eu) si nu se stie ce surprize ne vor oferi "migdalatii" de sfarsit de an (de sarbatorii - nu-i vad eu pe chinezii sa "stea cu mainele in san" chit ca ar cumpara sub o forma sau alt o bucata si ar copiao 98-99% , vezi dm600/800 cat timp a trecut de cand au aparut si deja au aparut si clonele lor).
Sa le stapaneasca sanatosi posesori lor si sai tina cat mai mult , fiindca la un asemenea pret...........

01-09-08, 20:08
Ipbox 9000 are ventilator pe interior

03-09-08, 20:31
Stiam ca are si nu sant probleme oarecum de incalzire la "spatiul liber din imagine care se vede , adica fara hdd".
Problema se pune in momentul in care vii cu un hdd in interior , atunci vezi practic cu capacul pus daca acel ventilator face fata cu brio 24/24 si 7/7.
Asa si kathy daca nu-i pui hdd in interior nici de ventilator nu are nevoie , dar cand ii pui hdd problema se schimba radical si nici nu vreau sa incerc la peste 28 de grade in camera (afara fiind peste 40 in zilele caniculare).
In general modelele de receivere mai mari sant destul de spatioase in interior in comparatie cu cele mini (unde daca mai pui si un hdd chiar s-ar putea sa ai probleme serioase cu caldura) gen : ip-box 900hd, dm-urile 600, 800 s.a modele asemanatoare.