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Thread: Project Magpie

  1. #1
    RSP - TEAM zildan's Avatar
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    Default Project Magpie

    Se pare ca platforma SPARK primeste sprijin:

    The last few months I've spent so sporadically to create a layer for the BSP STLinux based set-top boxes. At the moment, the focus is very much on the Spark (Fulan) boxes, as I own a GM 990th There is already a definition for the Spark 7162 although this is untested. Other speakers, however, should not be too much effort.

    I wanted to because I have been concerned for some time with the theme OpenEmbedded Core / Yocto I thought I would look at times how much effort such a port would STLinux. I fully recognize that it is already the TDT, OpenWRT and soap's build system. They have for me each has its advantages and disadvantages. Until now I have from all the features like the build system of soap is best. It is clearly structured and offers a package management out of the box. For me Yocto offers a bit more than the system of soap, since it is somewhat better documented and a larger community behind it. Furthermore, it is once you understand the system easier to add packages. For me this is create a toolchain which also externally to develop third Party tools can be used simply priceless. I find layer concept now really super practical.

    Current State
    On my Golden Media 990 the core-image-minimal boots from the Yocto Project. The TDT drivers are loaded and the tools and how fp_control ustslave exist. The functionality of the driver is not tested yet, because I still have not translated GUI. It is indeed at the moment only a BSP layer. Yocto UDEV used as hotplug service therefore had a few udev rules for tools like ustslave be created. That and the use of the modutils should make it much easier Wi-Fi. Driver or other USB gadget driver from the desktop to the pit to port That I did in the case of Compat-Wireless driver for the Pinky TDT made ​​almost insane.

    Most of the time, the chain has cost me. In particular, the glibc because Yocto actually uses eglibc. For a time I wanted to work with an external toolchain, but that's kind of ugly. Then I dared them to install the glibc. That was easier than I thought it. I use the glibc git directly from the STLinux. When I use the GCC GCC which in denzil Branch of Yocto is used. In the case of the toolchain, it can feel good that is missing one or the other patch for the best possible performance. Me a bootable system was first important. If that works closed source PTI I have not tested too, because there is no GUI available.

    Lirc works tested on my GM 990 at least with "irw". Including the activation of the front panel processor creating the "/ dev / vfd" seems to work. Whether all devices are properly built by UDEV I can only say after the first or any GUI tools are run as w_scan etc..

    Next Steps
    In addition to advancing the BSP layer I will start an applications layer. In this then the GUIs like neutrino, VDR and enigma are packed. With the focus at the moment on neutrino. Dawird still plenty of work waiting for me to compile all libraries and function.

    Place all interested here at github under the name project magpie and the repository is called meta-STLinux
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    About patches Merge requests, suggestions and comments, I am always.
    Last edited by zildan; 19-01-13 at 17:29.
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  2. #2
    Golden Member wambertos's Avatar
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    Default Traducere "necioplita"- neadaptata !

    Sper sa se inteleaga cit de cit!


    In ultimele luni mi-am petrecut timpul sa fac un BSP Layer pt receiverele bazate pe STLinux.

    Momentat ma concentrez mai mult pe receivere Spark(Fulan) pt. ca eu insumi am unul.
    Exista deja o versiune pt. Spark 7162, insa nu e inca testata.
    Pentru alte receivere, efortul de a-l adapta nu ar fi asa de mare.

    Pentru ca deja de ceva timp vroiam sa ma ocup de tema Openembedded Core/Yocto, ma gindeam sa vad cita munca mi-ar cere un asemenea STLinux Port.
    Mi-e absolut clar ca exista deja TDT, OpenWRT si Seife`s Buildsystem. Acestea au dupa mine avantaje si dezavantaje.
    Pina acum , cel mai mult mi-au placut posibilitatile sistemului lui Seife. Acesta este clar structurat si ofera un management al pachetelor "out of the box".
    Sistemul lui Yocto iti ofera putin mai multe posibilitati decit al lui Seife, deoarece este mai bine documentat si are in spate o comunitate mai mare.
    In plus, dupa ce ai inteles sistemul, este usor sa adaugi pachete. Pentru mine, crearea unui Toolchain ce se poate folosi si extern la dezvoltarea de Party Tools, este de mare valoare (este de aur).

    Situatia actuala
    Pe Golden Media 990 booteaza core-image-minimal din Yocto Project. Driverele TDT se incarca si Tools ca fp_control si ustslave sint prezente.
    Functia driverelor nu e inca testata deoarece nu am facut inca traducerea GUI. Momentan este doar un BSP Layer. Yocto foloseste UDEV ca service Hotplug, din acest motiv a fost necesar sa fac citeva UDEV Rules pt. Tools ca ustslave.
    Aceasta, impreuna cu utilizarea de modutils, ar trebui sa faciliteze portarea de drivere w-lan sau a altor usb-Gadget-uri de pe Desktop pe receivere.
    Aproape ca am facut cu nervii la portarea de driveri pt Compat-Wireless pentru Pinky TDT.

    Cel mai mult timp mi-a luat Toolchain. In special glibc, pentru ca Yocto foloseste de fapt eglibc. Un timp am vrut sa lucrez cu un Toolchain extern ceea ce nu e prea fain.
    Apoi m-am incumetat sa implementez glibc. Asta s-a dovedit a fi mai simplu decit ma asteptam. Folosesc glibc direct din stlinux git.
    GCC-ul folosit e cel folosit in denzil Branch al lui Yocto. In cazul Toolchain-ului se poate sa lipseasca un patch sau altul pt. a asigura o performanta optima.
    Pentru mine a fost la inceput primordial sa am un sistem care booteaza. Nu am testat daca functioneaza Closed Source PTI, pt ca nu are un GUI.

    Lirc functioneaza pe GM 990 al meu. Cel putin cu "irw" l-am testat. Actionarea procesorului Front Panel-ului inclusiv crearea /dev/vfd, pare sa functioneze.
    Daca toate Devices au fost create corect de catre UDEV, pot sa va spun numai cind am primul GUI functional sau un alt Tool ca w_scan.

    Pasii urmatori
    Paralel cu dezvoltarea BBSP-Layer-ului voi incepe o Applications Layer. Aici voi introduce GUI`s gen Neutrino,VDR si Enigma cu accent (momentan) pe Neutrino.
    Voi avea destul de lucru pina toate bibliotecile vor fi compilate si vor functiona.

    Totul sta la dispozitia celor interesati aici la github sub numele project magpie iar Repository se numeste meta-stlinux
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    Ma voi bucura de orice Patches, Merge Requests, idei si observatii
    Last edited by wambertos; 20-01-13 at 01:19. Reason: corectari

  3. #3
    RSP - TEAM zildan's Avatar
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    Dupa un an si jumatate autorul acestui proiect continua munca.
    Intre timp la adaptat si la 7162.

    Vedeti sursa si blogul.

    Un subiect interesant il reprezinta USB Stick boot enabler for fulan
    Sh40, AML, prime focus 1,5m si altele ...

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