Pentru a vizualiza in totalitate traficul pe serverul CCcam aveti nevoie de:
Wampserver de aici:
si de CCcamInfoPHPv0.8 de aici:

-Instalati Wampserver in C:\wamp.
-Extrageti arhiva in folderul C:\wamp\www

Pentru a fi functional aveti nevoie de cateva setari:
Intrati in C:\wamp\CCcamInfoPHP si editati cu notepad fisierul config.php astfel:


//examples of server definitions
$CCCamWebInfo[] = array("ip dream","16001","user","pasword"); // for CCcam webinterface with user and pass
$CCCamWebInfo[] = array("localhost","12345"); // for CCcam webinterface with different port than default and without user and pass
$CCCamWebInfo[] = array("localhost"); // for CCcam webinterface with all defaults

$work_path = ""; // set this if you want working folder separate // Example $work_path = "/tmp/";
$update_from_button = true; // set to true if you want Update button ( usefull if update is from remote server and takes too long)
$fullReshare = true; // shows maximum reshare if more than one route for same node // set to true to see actual reshare instead of YES/NO
$country_whois = true; // use whois for country detection

Acum intram in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\bin si editam fisierul php.ini astfel:

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 24M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

Daca ati facut totul cum trebuie:
Porniti Wampserver si jos in dreapta pe monitorul PC-ului in taskbar va aparea o iconita.Dati click stanga pe iconita si in fereastra care va apare dati click pe localhost.Acolo aveti CCcamInfoPHP cu toate detaliile care va trebuiesc.

Sper sa va fie de ajutor!Bafta!