SPAZE TEAM Quantum Edition 2.0.0 BETA


- Based in GIT SPAZE TEAM (12/11/11)
- Last drivers 25/10/11
- Soved many bugs in Enigma2
- Added option to deactivate automatic channel scan
- Updated spzMenu
- Added SPAZE Panel (spzCAMD Manager, AzExplorer, spzBackup, spzDownloads, spzDeviceManager, etc…)
- Menú personalización skin BlackModern_azboxHDv3
- Added option to reset password of Azbox.
- Added patch to VFD display (all models).
- Updated skin BlackModern_azboxHDv3
- New ChannelSelection.
- Fixes in phyton files and plugins.
- Fixed desynchronization of the menus in display.
- Fixed some bugs in MyTube.
- Added script spzFlashExp for extended DOMS (automatic).
- Implemented virtual keyboard in all inputboxs.
- Customization of keys on the remote control.
- Updated Spanish, Italian and Catalan.


- New MediaCenter 0.3.5 MOD spzTEAM
- Fixed time in .ts recordings
- Added Internet Info (spzIMDB)
- New screen with information of video file
- Other visual enhancements
- TimeSleep Integrated
- Fixed another small bugs
- VideoPlayer more powerfull
- AudioPlayer fixed another small bugs